SiDi + tde partnership

SiDi, as one of the leading industrial innovation and R&D companies in Brazil, has entered into a collaborative partnership with tde, a global performance optimisation solutions provider to the oil, gas and renewable energy industries headquartered in Abu Dhabi UAE.

Since 2020, SiDi has been accredited by the National Petroleum Agency (ANP), which enables the institute to participate in calls for projects for technological solutions financed by sector promotion funds. The focus is on three pillars in which SiDi has strong competence: artificial intelligence, which includes natural language processing (NLP), computer vision and data science; cloud computing and cyber security – a critical area in this industry.

Last year, the institute developed a project for the company Geogin, which provides software and consulting solutions for oil and energy companies. The project involved the application of NLP in the area of solutions for regulatory processes.

For over two decades tde has been delivering the de facto industry standard in empirical, metrics-based solutions to improve upstream oil and gas activities to ensure operational excellence in safety, efficiency, accuracy and consistency. With over 150 clients globally and achieving over $500m of identified savings potential annually, tde solutions have been utilised on over 30% of all rigs worldwide.

More recently tde has established a new division focusing on applying this extensive domain experience to the geothermal industry, as well as developing patented industrial solutions for emissions-free hydrogen production.

The partnership is part of SiDi’s strategy to expand its operations to new markets and will strengthen its position to develop advanced technology projects and solutions in the energy sector.

Tadeu Vidal, SiDi’s business consultant for this market.

Gerhard Thonhauser , tde Group CEO

Arthur Kanematsu, manager for South America at tde.

Matt Regan, tde’s Global VP for Business Development and Marketing.