Times are changing and so are we…

Times are changing and so are we…

tde has grown and evolved over the last 21 years and we believe that it was time for a new, cohesive, innovative look to reflect our commitment to help our customers reach new levels of operational excellence in terms of safety, speed, consistency, and positive impact. 

Our new tde brand, is more than just a logo, it is a message that we send out to the world. It is how we position tde from now and into the future, using our expertise in data to provide integrated technology, intelligence, and platforms to simplify and enhance the planning, design, execution, and performance of complex projects. 

tde: from data to insights to action – empowering you to outperform. 

Over the coming months, we will update all our marketing with the new logo and branding. In the meantime, we invite our partners to contact us via email marketing@tde-group.com for our new logo.