Launching tde plan

plan wells in minutes not weeks

Abu Dhabi, UAE: tde digital launches the new well planning solution tde plan driven by 22 years leading the market in data-driven performance optimization of well construction and delivery.

Traditional approaches to well planning are typically either laborious, time-consuming, costly and subjective processes, or ‘cookie-cutter’ with no learnings or efficiencies applied from one well to the next. tde plan integrates tde’s deep analysis of historical well performance with client-provided constraints (well profile and geometry) to automatically generate an objective, metrics-based well plan – including operations sequence, time and cost forecast – all done in minutes not weeks.

The resulting plan is queryable, allowing the user to immediately weigh the time and cost impact on AFE of a different rig selection, or determine potential budgetary overrun resulting from contingency operations.

As an AWS Energy competency partner, tde plan has been developed in close collaboration with AWS to take advantage of massive data hosting and management, with the aim to help build and implement advanced digital solutions across the energy industry value chain.

Contact us to find out how tde plan automates well planning to accelerate the planning cycle.